Does your organization want to offer an adult learning opportunity? We can help!

CALLS can offer organizations that work in Strathcona County and Fort Saskatchewan partnerships to help offer adult learning programs. Partnerships can include help with funding, materials, advertising, space, or other program supports.

We can help support programs that fall into the following categories:

Literacy: The ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate, compute, and use printed and written materials associated with varying contexts. An example would be a course like “Reading and Writing our Recovery Stories”

Foundational Learning: Learning opportunities to support the development of literacy and numeracy skills, proficiency in English language learning, basic computer skills, and workplace readiness and Essential Skills that enable individuals to pursue further learning, have satisfying and meaningful employment, and fully participate in society. Examples could include courses such as “Understanding the Grocery Aisle for ESL Learners,” or “Navigating the Internet for Beginners,” or “Working with Numbers When Banking”

Family Literacy: Eligible family literacy programs must be based on one or more of the foundational family literacy models recognized as best practices in the field. The recognized models are: Books for Babies, Rhymes that Bind, Parent Child Mother Goose, Building Blocks, B.O.O.K.S., Story Sacks, Magic Carpet Ride, and Literacy and Parent Skills.

CALLS is also able to work in partnerships with organizations offering programming in Community Capacity Building. These opportunities seek to increase awareness of and address community problems, as well as learning opportunities that prepare individuals to access employment and be successful in the workplace. This would include mental health programming, legal education, computer software skill development, parenting, and anything occupation-specific.

All funded programming must be non-credit and part-time.

CALLS cannot support programming that is primarily for leisure, personal interest, or physical recreation.

If your organization is interested in partnering with CALLS, please contact Dyan at (780) 667-8441 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view



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